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Sidney Redmon Pribble:" Zip 'em up boys; I'm coming in there!"

Sidney Pribble was born February 21, 1911- as Sidney Redmon, daughter of Hiram and Mary Bryan Redmon in North Middletown, Kentucky. On the 31st of May, 1942, she married Holton Houston ("Hoss") Pribble (1909 - 1975) from Pendleton County, Kentucky. Like Sidney Redmon, Holton Pribble was a student at the University of Kentucky. They both had grown up in the central/north central part of the state. He grew up in Pendleton County and she in Bourbon County, Kentucky. Both graduated from the University of Kentucky. While at UK, he was on the school's football team. Prior to attending UK, he was a graduate of Millersburg Military Institute. After graduation, Holton Pribble joined the army, which would become his career. During World War II, he was the supply officer for the now well-known Manhattan Project. Eventually, he rose to the rank of Colonel in the US Army Air Force. After their marriage in 1942, theirs was more a stereotypical 'army life' before returning to Pendleton County.

After their marriage, some semblance of normality settled in. They lived in Hawaii. She really loved her time there because it was not yet a state or tourist destination. Hawaii was not over-commercialized as it would become in future years. Two children, Hannah and George H. (Hank), joined the family. They came to Pendleton County following 'The Colonel's' discharge from the Army. She taught at Butler High School until, in 1971-1972, Wanda Vanlandingham' took her place at Butler as Mrs. Pribble moved on to Pendleton High School.

Sidney Pribble-isms became well-known to many a PHS student, if you were in her class or not. Things that were said by Sidney Pribble became uniquely hers. "Lord love a duck!" Many PHS graduates can finish the sentence, "That's your little red wagon now you pull it." ["I won't give you half point unless you earn it."]. A pearl of wisdom was coming, "Let me tell you something, my little friends…" or a life lesson was on its way, "Chickens set. People sit.". Her physical actions became memorable. No other person on earth could get more volume slapping the top of a desk. When she was finished or her point was made, the index finger of her right hand pushed her glasses up and in place, "That's all she wrote!" Most of all, it was always about the students and to get them to perform to their own full potential. Getting students to be able to deliberate and reason for themselves was always at the front. "Think, people. Think!" Whether you were her student, or not, you knew of "Mrs. Pribble"; her outlook was her credo, "I can't teach a child unless he's quiet first".

Sidney Pribble 's grading scale was unlike any other. 96--100 =A; 88--95=B; 78--87=C; 67--77=D; below 67 an F. If you received an 'A' in her class, you busted your butt to earn it--and earn it you did; Mrs. Pribble wasn't one in favor of 'rounding up'. There was every other teacher's grading scale but when being graded on your work, you were on Sidney Pribble's turf. In most classes, the grade of 'A' was given for scoring 90 to 100%; in Mrs.Pribble's class, a 90 was a mid-range 'B' grade. Her lowest passing grade was 67, adding "If a child doesn't know two-thirds of a subject then he doesn't deserve to pass."

Being a student in Sidney Pribble 's class was…different. Away from school, she could be one of the funniest people on the planet. At school, though, she was all business all the time. A 'looking back' comment about the first hand-picked English/Literature class in 1975-6, "I didn't think you all were a bit of fun--always so serious." She probably didn't fully gauge just how apprehensive the students were. Parents were elated that their child was in her class. The kids, at the time, failed to see any cause for celebration. Years later, those same kids now understand their parent's happiness as well as the value of Sidney Pribble 's instruction.

In 1978, Sidney Pribble retired from PHS and teaching. She had hoped to return in 1979 but her health dictated otherwise. In her final years, she ceased to be the imposing figure that many kids knew. Perhaps it's best, though, that she's remembered as the imposing, headstrong lady who refused to suffer fools gladly.

And for those former students of hers that are reading this article:

(In honor of the subject of this bio, here is an eleven sentence, three point paragraph.)

Eleven Sentence Three Point Paragraph

1: Main theme of paragraph

2: First point, supporting main theme as stated in sentence #1.

3-4: Two sentences supporting first point [sentence #2].

5: Second point, supporting main theme as stated in sentence #1.

6-7: Two sentences supporting second point [sentence #5].

8 Third point, supporting main theme as stated in sentence #1.

9-10: Two sentences supporting third point [sentence #8].

11: Restate, in different words, the Main Theme of paragraph [sentence #1].

[1] During the early years of her life, Sidney Pribble lived and grew up in North Middletown, Kentucky. [2] Paris, Kentucky, in Bourbon County, is 19 miles northeast of Lexington, Kentucky; North Middletown, where the family lived, is slightly southeast of Paris. [3] Paris at the time had over 6,000 residents;. [4] Most in the area were farmers; most women also had farm-related lives-. [5] Bourbon County, Kentucky is best-known for bourbon [6] Like other communities around it, North Middletown was very much a 'farm-town' and farming occupied much of their time. [7] Although North Middletown was a fairly typical stereotypical agricultural community, the area had other sources of pride. The distilling of bourbon had long been part of Bourbon County, Kentucky. [8] Until she left for the University of Kentucky she lived with her family. [9] She attended the University of Kentucky. [10] UK, in Lexington, Kentucky was, as now, one of the largest in the area. [11] Sidney Pribble's youth was spent in North Middletown /Paris, Kentucky, in Bourbon County, Kentucky.

(The author wishes to acknowledge Jo Caldwell Craig and Mr. & Mrs. Tom Woofter for their help in researching Mrs. Sidney Redmon Pribble.)

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